Last Year, Best Year

  This semester has already blown by so far, with only six weeks left of Fall semester, with only one semester left- I thought I was due for a little bit of a life update. If you didn’t catch it from the intro- September was the beginning of my last year in college. Seems like…

How to Travel on a College Budget

I am obviously not some sort of travel guru, but I do get a lot of questions on how I can afford to travel on a college budget. Sometimes the idea of traveling seems unrealistic when you are eating Kraft mac and cheese and living paycheck to paycheck each semester, but there are a few…

Education-You’re Lucky

My second year at the University of Minnesota has taught me a lot of things. I think the most important and continuous lesson is that I am SO lucky. I have spent so much time learning about students who don’t have the same opportunity that I, as well as many other students, take for granted…

Europe in 30 Days- A Highlights Tour Review

After years of writing “travel the world” on various goal sheets and school questionnaires, posting what seems like thousands of travel pins on pinterest, and researching a large number of different kinds of trips I finally decided to make a move on these long term desires. With just a few clicks and a 150.00 down…